Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How Bruno Does Goodbyes

You start with a farewell snack gathering with all of the homestay families in a seemingly abandoned primary school. And you take a family picture.

Next you take a picture with each of the five kids. The same exact picture, next to the same exact small tree. And then you take one with K because you've spotted her on the Bord de la Mer also.

Then you go to a bank and take pictures outside of it. Bruno sits on front of things and makes this pose.

And then, another family photo in front of the bank. No one is allowed to smile (I missed this memo) and they give my camera to a man lurking outside of the bank with a super long pinky nail. I am very concerned.

After that, Bruno finds a boat! He asks the men sitting by the boat if we can take pictures on it. Everyone hops onto the boat (literally. We hopped across a one foot gap that dropped into the water) and we take strange pictures.

And Bruno thought it necessary to take this picture.

After the boat, there were a few more necessary photos to take, but as you can probably imagine, they all look exactly the same. As soon as we returned home, it was necessary that I immediately take my photos off the camera and put them on Bruno's USB. Yesterday he called me panicked because the folder wouldn't open. Oh Bruno...

Then we had dinner and watched our nightly soap opera, which is a Spanish soap opera dubbed horribly in French. Everyone watches it intently. Unfortunately, I left it on such a cliffhanger. I guess I'll never know if Margarita will choose to marry Francesco or if she'll realize she really loves the doctor... C'est dommage!

That night Bruno patrolled the inside of our house every hour, checking to see if the door was still locked and if I was still in my bed. He made a lot of noise doing this, which resulted in me waking up every hour and being terrified that the robbers had returned. Kind of glad to have left Mahajunga...

In the morning, Bruno took me to the meeting point, in his all white ensemble, and we had a sad little goodbye.

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