Thursday, April 14, 2011

CC & All His Friends

This post could also be titled:
"Cute Boys and Frogs"
"CC Lives at the Zoo"
"I didn't get my letter from Poudlard"
"Life Sucks a Little Bit Less Today"
"Spiders < Baby Frogs"

So, to start, CC was telling me that his bathroom is covered in frogs who live in the toilet, sink, puddles of water, etc. I decided I had to check this out. So this is my visit to the Fort Dauphin Zoo a.k.a. CC's Bathroom. 

 Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the first exhibit. The smallest frog ever found in a bathroom and a boy posing for my new website titled "Cute Boys with Frogs " (Taking its inspiration from
  *I'm not actually making this website... some people take things too literally. 
So you think you're really cute?

And then we found one living in the toilet tank!

He likes you!

The most adorable picture ever taken. 

This frog was just too much for me. 

Hey, there's lizards too!
Ok, ok, we can't just look at pictures of baby frogs and lizards all day long... that'd wouldn't be representative of Madagascar.... Let's step outside to the outdoor exhibit. (I want to add that I took pictures of about 3 of 20 of these things. CC was less than pleased that these live outside of his door. Heeheh)

Oh hi there...

You look friendly 
Mhmmm crawl into my bed please :)
 I'll stop there with pictures of the scariest spiders I've ever seen in my life. We moved back inside... 
This is what you do when the power's out in Madagascar...

Rager? So many poufsouffles...
We sadly spent this time sorting everyone from the SIT group into their french Hogwarts houses... which is called Poudlard in my french "Harry Potter a l'ecole des sorciers" book. EM hasn't read HP though... so she may or may not have though we were the biggest nerds in the world. I'm OK with that....

Here's some quick translations
Gryffindor - Gryffondor
Ravenclaw - Serdaigle
Hufflepuff - Poufsouffle
Slytherin - Serpentard 
You know who - Tu-Sais-Qui OR Vous-Savez-Qui (seriously.... his name changes depending on who is saying it to whom. That's just silly French language!)
He Who Shall Not Be Named - Celui-Dont-On-Ne-Doit-Pas-Prononcer-Le-Nom (this language...) 
Hogwarts - Poudlard 

Anywho, since my French reading level is probably equivalent to my English reading level when I was 10, it kind of feels like I'm reading Harry Potter for the first time, which is funny.

In other news, I moved out of my hotel because I think living by myself and dealing with the rain that didn't stop for a solid week was making me a little bit nuts. Sorry for the whiny blog post... sometimes life just sucks in Madagascar.

I'm now living with H's home stay which is almost like a US house. Our host-mom is hilarious and strange. Last night she dropped the fact that she was in a coma for 5 days once and was subconsciously impacted by people telling stories of car crashes around her. She also said people who sigh a lot will die earlier because they're sending too much breath out of their body and not taking enough in. This was after asking H why she was always sighing. Haha Madagascar social norms are so weird.

She also enjoys saying mean things to/about the femme de menage (domestic help) such as "Fatama, ton cafe n'est pas bien cuil!" (Fatama your coffee is not well cooked!) Not the coffee, your coffee. It's really funny and really sad. I like her a lot though.

Ok well, that's all for now. Things have improved here, the weather is nice and my homestay is great. I'm still really looking forward to coming home, but not in a desperate, checking my countdown clock every 10 minutes kind of way.

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