Saturday, February 26, 2011

Who Needs Running Water?

Ways that Roland (our program director) described our upcoming trip to the villages surrounding Tsiromandidy:
(He did this all while keeping a perfectly straight face, which made it sooo much better.)

"You are all guarenteed shelter."

"No one has ever not finished the village stay."

(In response to a question of getting infected by going into standing water) "Well, I wouldn't spend all day in a rice paddy if I were you..."

"I'm not saying 'Don't play with children' but if you do that all day the adults will treat you like a child."

"You'll be several kilometers away from any of the other students, but maybe you will see one person during the week."

"No, don't expect electricty or running water, but maybe they'll have a car battery hooked up to a radio or TV."

"It's not that no one will speak French, but think of it as a chance to practice your Malagasy."

"Students always find some way to communicate with the family..."

"We'll be giving you flea powder to sprinkle around your bed. Oh, and some of you might have straw mats to sleep on."

"Yes, the plague outbreak in the north is the same plague that killed 1/3 of Europe. Yes, it is also spread by fleas. I don't think it's cause for concern..."

"Yes, bring your phones. No, there will not be any phone coverage in the villages."

"If there is an emergency..."
Oh, this is going to be good.
Tell your family right away..."
Speaking what language...?
They can alert someone who can access a landline..."
That's how far away...?
And it is possible to evacuate someone from the villages"
hahahaha this is going to be AWESOME

So there you have it, I'm going off to the villages on Tuesday morning and wont be in contact again until the 14th... We'll see how this goes. Until then!

1 comment:

  1. This should be quite a unique experience! Please write it up when you are back. Bon Chance! Love and miss you (but love what you're doing,) Mom
