Monday, March 14, 2011

Whew, there’s been a lot of writing without pictures in the past couple entries, therefore here’s an entry with mostly pictures and limited writing! (I also keep trying to write things in French because that’s how I have to function here half the time, so let’s stick with pictures ou je vais écrire les phrase qui vous ne savez pas! Et il y aura beaucoup de fautes de la grammaire, je suis désole mes prof Français !)
En route to Tsiromandidy…

Found a rainbow 

Then we got to Tsiromandidy where we stayed for two days. Before departure we all picked up our vasha sacks filled with staple foods that I have already written about.
Some vashas grabbing their vasha sacks
Yep, that’s me holding enough toilet paper for a week, a ridiculous hat I bought for like $2 in Tsiromandidy and running shorts. Clearly ready to roll…

Then we drove to the villages which were anywhere from 10-80 kilometers away from town… yeah and the roads were dirt. It was ridiculously beautiful.
The dirt that turns everything “Madagascar Red”

And then I was in the villages. And there were children.

So. Many. Children.
And of course there were my parents. When I look at this picture all I can think about my dad laughing at me and my mom says “Mihinana vary betsaka!” so I cringe a little
.Then there were those little things that I looked forward to everyday.

Like the watching of all the animals…

The dragging of the baby zebu into its house…

And the…. Oh wait, there’s wasn’t anything else to do in the village.

I’m closing the book on Tsiromandidy and moving onto more lively and interesting things. Sorry for the overwhelming usage of profanity and anger in the village entries, but it would be silly for me to make a blog where I lied about my experiences… and welp, that was how I felt.
Oh! And I almost forgot… after the village stay, on our return to Tana, we spent one night in a gorgeous hotel for a day of relaxing post-village trauma.

vasha swim!

 So yeah… that was nice.

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