Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Weekend Fun


We went to Katsepy. It was kind of boring so I’ll spare you the writing and just post some pictures. We traveled there by ferry and back on tiny speed boats.



On shore, we spotted a fishing boat called “Jemes Bond” from Thailand. I felt obligated to take a picture.

"Jemes Bond" 
On land, we visited another mosque (this time lambas weren’t necessary but period-ridden women were still forbidden, I post about the first mosque later… sorry this is kind of backwards) and the “chef de focotatny” who’s like the head of small villages or towns. We also ate lunch and visited a bunch of mangrove trees.
On the ride home we traveled by speed boat. It was kind of fun… compared to the ferry.

Vasha on a boat
Our boat driver, like a boss.

Me looking super cute and happy


Friday Night
                It’s been a while since I’ve been able to safely go out at night and I have to say that it’s such a relief to be able to walk around a city without risking a decent chance that you’ll get mugged or run into some unsavory people. So for that reason, Mahajunga is great.
                This weekend we went to a concert for a group called Mika sy Davis (Mika & Davis) at the Maison du Culture. I’ve never been to a concert where the power went out three times for several minutes, but hey, welcome to Madagascar! The group was good, despite the fact that we couldn’t understand a word. After the concert we walked to the Bord de la Mer, which is kind of like a boardwalk without any cool stuff on it, and found an outdoor restaurant that cooked kabobs in front of you. The place was packed and made you wonder where on earth of the people go during the day because this place is actually a ghost town in midafternoon.
                We played a drinking game that lasted about 10 minutes at this restaurant.
Rules of the game: Drink every time a vehicle without 4-wheels passes by us. (This included pousse-pousses, motorcycles, 6-wheeled busses, bicycles, and anything else).
Reason the game failed: THERE ARE SO MANY ABNORMAL VEHICLES IN THIS CITY. We were drinking every 2 seconds and it got a little absurd.
Saturday Morning
                Saturday morning was spent at a “fete” (party) which is in quotation marks because it was comprised of 5 hours of waiting and 1 hour of fete, and then my dad said we needed to go home because my host sister had lessons for something. Womp womp. I did travel there in style though…

And yes, they made me ride in the front because I’m a fragile vasha who cannot sit in the back with all of the other people. The driver and I had some really interesting conversations in my limited Malagasy…

Then for 5 hours I took pictures of random things. At one point my entire family left me on the mat and a crowd of creepy Malagasy men descended and proceeded to ask me if I needed  help scraping the dirt off of my sandals… It was possibly the weirdest pick up line I’ve ever heard. Then my dad returned, thought it was really funny and laughed at me instead of telling them to leave. Thanks dad!

Saturday Night

On Saturday night, I went out with the other students. Without giving the strange details of the night, I’ll summarize by saying we went to a bar, ended up at a Malagasy ball where 10 year olds were violently grinding on a dance floor and then found ourselves in a fancy house owned by a French man who moved to Mahajunga 10 years ago and drank whiskey with him. It was really weird…  I spent the night at C’s house where there was air conditioning and a bed that wasn’t 5 inches too short. I am jealous. They also had chocolate croissants in the morning. Arg.

Sunday day was spent at the beach with all of the host families and students. It was really fun and I’d almost call myself tan. Now, that’s a first.
I played terrible volleyball with a bunch of kids. This made me SO HAPPY even though all I wanted to do was teach them proper techniques. Volleyball withdrawl, ah! 

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