Sunday, May 15, 2011


Paris has been strange. I feel like it's a good middle ground from Madagascar to the United States, but it has still felt funny and weird. Because I don't have the energy to write out a long one of these due to, what I believe is a parasite I've named Marques living in my intestines, here's a couple quick thoughts on the experience so far.

Like typical girls in Paris, we've spent more money on clothes than food and have compensated for the high European prices by splitting everything, only eating baguettes and street-side crepes and living in grungy backpacker world.

Yesterday, at the Eiffel Tower, a man jumped to his death 50 feet from where we were standing. It was shocking and sad. After much ethical debating, we decided we would still ascend the tower. It was beautiful, but still sad.

Our hostel is so typical European college backpacker. Everyone speaks English. No one is over 30. People roller blade out of here. It's never quiet. We're locked out from 12-4 because of "cleaning." The shower is a harsh and unpleasant experience. We're living in a room with 4 other people, bunk bed style. They don't provide sheets. There's only one key for the entire room.
...the funny thing is every part of it is nicer than anywhere I stayed in Madagascar.

We've managed to see all of the quintessential Parisian sights in three days, thanks to Rick Steve and are leaving for Amsterdam in the morning.

I have been sick the entire time and become an whiny and discontented child after 8 PM. I found an anti-parasitic at my 4th pharmacy today and will be taking that soon... here's hoping the situation improves.

Paris is beautiful in the spring, but the entire world and their mother is/are (grammar quandary!) here too.

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