Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How to Pack for 3 1/2 Months in Madagascar

Over the past couple of days I have been putting off packing for this trip. After looking at the packing list provided by SIT (School for International Training), which you can find here if you're curious, I wasn't sure how I was going to pack for 103 days in a camping backpack... but after disregarding fashion and bulky possessions, I got it done. If you're wondering how I accomplished this feat, see the photos below. 

4 V-Neck Tee Shirts: White, Black and Grey... bleh 
1 Long Sleeved Shirt, 2 Blouses, 1 Sweater, 2 Knee-length Skirts, 1 "appropriate" dress

1 Pair of Jeans, 1 "one piece bathing suit" (mmm), Rain Jacket (it rains everyday from Jan-May), 2 pair of shorts

Protection from the bugs, elements, illness & theft
Yes, I do now own a personal mosquito net.

I'm just going to go ahead and say that my hygiene is going to be questionable....

3 Pair of Shoes: Vibrams, Waterproof Hiking Boots, Red Toms
Very fashion forward. 

And this is my life for the next 3+ months. Woot.
Considering their advice "Bring everything you need and expect to get rid of half of it" I don't expect to see a lot of these items again... and that's OK by me. 
The God of Ziploc has made it possible for everything to fit in this backpack, miraculous. Now I just hope it's under 25 kg. 

2 Days to Paris
8 Days to Madagascar

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